Director of Student Training & Coaching:
Lady Onslow PCA, BHS (ITT) BHSI (SM)
BHS Stage 4 Senior Coach or equivalent & qualified BHS Stable Manager.
Clandon Park Livery Manager:
Tracey Shakespeare - 4* Event Rider/Coach
Clandon Park Livery is based on a privately owned 1000 acre historic Parkland Estate where you will find a wide variety of facilities, stables and turnout paddocks and fields for grazing horses, that also provide grazing for our rare breed sheep.…we also make our own hay.
Facilities include hacking along private rides and open fields across the Park, lunge arena, hot wash down box, tea room, all-weather 20 m x 60 m (approx) outdoor floodlit arena, mown grass SJ schooling and boarded dressage arenas, show jumping & a 40 fence country schooling courses, all year round turnout in singles, pairs or small groups/herd if preferred
The team consists of an animal nurse, animal welfare specialist, land manager, a professional advanced event rider who also offers coaching, BHS Instructor for clinics, BHSI (SM) for staff training programs & cheerful grooms who aim to maintain a relaxed, welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
The livery yard is under the direction of our highly accomplished event rider coach.
We have three fully refurbished tack rooms available or for several stables we offer your own private tack room.
Coaching available by experienced advanced event rider.
Clinics and BHS Qualified Instruction
We look forward to you joining the Clandon Park Livery family !
ENQUIRIES WELCOME 07977 514282 or 07711007664. All visits to view the premises and discuss a potential livery place are by prior appointment only. Prior to arranging a visit we are always happy to discuss your requirements on the telephone.
This year we are launching a new 3 month short term grass livery for those who wish their horse to join us to have access to grazing and our summer facilities each year between June 25th & September 20th. This livery is to join two restricted herds of 10 mares or 10 geldings as our new summer herds and is not suitable for those who are seeking livery of any type between 20th September and 20th June. Please feel free to enquire or discuss your requirements with Lady Onslow.
If you are seeking a livery place for your horse, where you may enjoy the privacy of our Clandon Park rides, equine facilities and professional services, we believe we may be able to create a livery package to suit both you and your horse. Please feel free to enquire or discuss your requirements with Lady Onslow or our Livery Manager Tracey Shakespeare.
Herds on the Parkland benefit from 24/7 (All Year) grazing in mare, gelding or mixed herds, regular field rotations, winter or drought hay delivered to field, poo picking service, daily herd checks, new storage/tack rooms, surfaced & grass arenas, NEW SJ & CC Schooling courses (subject to ground conditions) Assistance, diet paddocks and 1 month extra daily holiday checks & emergency stable if your vet requires (incl. in Assisted Grass Livery). Subject to Terms & Conditions which may vary.
This is a wonderful opportunity for an experienced private individual. Includes use of 1 or 2 turnout paddocks (subject to ground condition) small private tack, store, rug & feed store, rates, utilities, muck heap clearance, property insurance, ad-lib hay, initial bedding, use of SJ and 40 fence cross country course and facilities including private land for hacks (t’s & c‘s apply )
Other than the provisions described above this rent does not include any other service
If you are working towards improving your riding on the flat or over fences our coaches are here to help you achieve your goals.
Tracey Shakespeare is available for regular coaching throughout the year and Lady Onslow is available (subject to advance booking) and in April, May & September for pre-arranged courses.
Our Senior Rider Tracey Shakespeare is available to assist you with the schooling of your horse or pony whether that is improving behaviour, education on the flat or jumping.
Our Head Girl Annika is also happy to assist you with hacking out, lunging and exercise.
Visiting coaches/riders are also welcome (subject to terms and conditions incl. current insurance). A small surcharge may be applicable to visiting coaches & riders to cover our own insurance.
Sign up to receive our newsletter, and updated specials and events.
Every Day from 8 till late.
WHEN USING THE MAP BELOW IT WILL TAKE YOU TO CLANDON PARK HOUSE (A stately mansion undergoing refurbishment) AT THE EDGE OF OUR PARK. INSTEAD PLEASE USE THE PRIVATE CLANDON PARK LIVERY ENTRANCE THAT RUNS PARALLEL & LEADS YOU THROUGH THE PARK (from The Street in West Clandon) This is a rural farm track so please take great care and drive slowly.